How Will You Get in Shape in 2012?

Every New Year we all make a resolution to lose weight or get in shape for the summer! There are so many ways to exercise and get in shape and every year there is a new, exciting, faster & better way to get in shape. What new and improved method will you use to get in shape this year?

I am old fashioned and like to stick with what works for me. I tried going to the gym, had a personal trainer but once again I did not stick to it as a lifestyle change. Like Dieting, I believe that your exercise routine or program needs to be incorporated into your lifestyle so that you are able to take the necessary time alotted each day to do your workout and take one step closer to achieving your goal.

There are so many methods of exercise available but how do you choose which one will work for you? If you want to have fun on your Wii and party yourself into shape you could  go with Just Dance 3 or Zumba Dance 2 to get your exercise with the family or you could get serious and consider ordering Zumba Fitness Exhilarate for the ultimate experience.

Since I am old fasioned I usually walk on my treadmill or the neighborhood, and I grew up doing sit-ups, push-ups and lifting weights in my basement. This method still works for me today although I do enjoy playing games with the family on my Wii. It is amazing to me the advancements in technology with the Wii & the X-Box Kinnect that now you have the ability to exercise your whole body while playing games and not just your fingers & thumbs!

So if you plan on exercising in 2012 find a routine that will work for you in your lifetstyle that you can committ to so that when 2013 comes around you are still exercising and are in better shape than you were in 2011. Hopefully you may even have had some fun and quality time with the family as well.